We have some awesome CARE associates to recognize this month. These individuals were nominated by their branch’s placement consultant team for being fantastic employees. Congrats and thank you to Aryonn, Jacquelin, and Rylan!

To learn what makes a CARE associate, check out our first post on the CARE Program here.


Aryonn B. – Greater Boston

“For this month, we are selecting Aryonn B for the C.A.R.E nominee! Aryonn consistently goes above and beyond in her role by demonstrating exceptional dedication, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence. Her outstanding work ethic and positive attitude makes her a valuable member of the Greater Boston team. Aryonn’s ability to effectively manage her responsibilities and support the clients at the programs is truly commendable. She consistently delivers high-quality results and exemplifies the core values of Arbor. It is a privilege to work alongside someone of Aryonn’s caliber, and we believe she is highly deserving of this nomination!”



Jacquelin R. – Central MA

“The Central MA Care Nominee for the month is Jacqueline R. Jacqueline came to work for Arbor on 2/19/2024, as a Direct Support Professional. She always has a positive attitude and is always eager to pick up shifts, especially when we really need a shift covered.

We have received great feedback from the programs that she works at: she is a reliable, dedicated, and consistent employee that is most welcome at the facilities that she works at. She represents all that Arbor stands for and we appreciate that!”


Rylan S. – Western MA

“This is Rylan’s 2nd time being nominated for C.A.R.E because he has truly earned it. He has showed time and time again what it means to be an essential worker and team player. Each program he has attended he has made a tremendous impact and has showed working for Arbor is not just a job, but something he is honored to do. Rylan has amazing communication skills with his supervisor, program managers, and clients on site. Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed! Thank you, Rylan for everything you do!”